It is seamlessly integrated with the FA-OMS. You are directly connected to you customers. They can respond to your information and can make online payment for all charges. FavorAPP is downloadable from APP store (Apple Phone) or Play store (Andriod Phone) for free.
You can introduce your entity’s background and structure, promote your products and activities over here. It can be a mini website for your entity.
Mobile users may connect with friends via FavorAPP ID instead of mobile numbers.
Share your activities with friends you like. Only authorised personnel are allowed to post activities on behalf of the entities.
Events or news can be disseminated in targeted group or to the public(all-in one activities management section).
We make sure that our software are fully compatible with the latest running OS.
From building and maintaining an app, its require a lot of money. Why not let us provide you an app that is fully yours. Saves you plenty of time tool.
Efficiently syndicate flexible content via cost effective initiatives completely leverage vertical quality.
Turn your mobile visitors into your best customers.